First Hot Tub: Day 23 after Cheilectomy
First Hot Tub
Whatever made me think that this might be painful? I suppose because applying cold has brought so much relief over the past three weeks, I assumed applying heat might hurt. Nope... Bliss! I performed the required PT manipulations while in 102 degree water. Perhaps the heat will help me relax more and stretch this stiff joint. I'm planning to fit in a bit of home-style hydrotherapy every day. When I got out, I did ice and elevate. Not that my foot was craving cold; it just seemed like the right thing to do. I'm going to ask my physical therapist about the benefits of hot and cold at this point of the healing process. (Postscript: The PT assistant who massaged and manipulated my toe and foot for 45 minutes today said to limit the time in the tub. Heat contributes to swelling, and can be the enemy of healing. However, a brief period in the tub to relax and do the exercises followed by ice and elevation would be beneficial.)
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