Saturday, April 23, 2016

First Cycle: Day 22

First Stationary Cycle after Cheilectomy

Riding my stationary cycle for 20 whole minutes felt great! That's a relief since I need to increase my minutes and ride daily; I have a few pounds to take off and some muscle mass to regain! I wore the Birkenstock sandals pictured on Day 13, Sandals in Paradise. Perhaps my athletic shoes will feel okay now. I'll try those tomorrow. The Birkenstock sandals are exceptionally comfortable, probably because they do not allow much movement of my repaired joint, and there is absolutely no irritation on the incision and suture areas.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Treacherous Walk: Day 19 after Cheilectomy

A Hike Over Lava

This was one exhausting walk! Aside from the fact that my level of aerobic conditioning has plummeted, the terrain was rugged and irregular: jagged lava chunks from gravel to rocks too heavy for me to lift. Treacherous! It took some serious concentration to walk the mile or so to get to Makalawena, one of the most beautiful beaches on the Big Island. I was as fast as a herd of turtles, and my foot hurt, but I kept telling myself that just as physical therapy causes productive pain, this pain would also be productive as long as I did my best to approximate a normal stride--- stride through the pain--- and make sure I didn't trip and injure myself. I tried to think of it as a walking meditation, which helped a bit: observing the pain with as much detachment as I could muster. The reward was nearly four hours at the beach, swimming and relaxing.

 It still seemed reasonable to maintain a dose of healthy paranoia and protect myself from dangerous bacteria by coating with both liquid and adhesive waterproof bandages. My suture holes looked well-sealed, but I hadn't examined them with a magnifying glass. Better safe than sorry on this, my second to last day at the beach!

Chillin' in the Shade

After trudging across fields of lava, bludgeoning barefooted across this beautiful white sand, swimming in the surf, and then slogging back to my beach chair, I was beat! Thank goodness we had hours to recuperate before the long, laborious march back to the car. Later, icing and elevating never felt more delicious!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Shower Pressure: Day 18 after Cheilectomy

Shower Pressure

Not talking about the pressure of water pummeling my head as I rinse the soap out of my hair... Talking about the column of pressure created by gravity and the fluids in my body pushing down, pooling in my feet. Every time I take a longer shower---seems to take forever to wash this mop of hair--- I feel uncomfortable pressure. Have I been imagining it, or does the color look different? Today I really looked and then grabbed my camera. My right foot is a distinctly reddish purplish color. No wonder. That explains why ice and elevation always feel so good after a shower. That explains why moseying around a museum is much more difficult than a saunter down a lava tube. That explains why standing to stir soup makes me dance in place. My body needs the pumping of muscles to counteract the effects of gravity. I wonder how long I get to put up with this....

Monday, April 18, 2016

First Hike: Day 17 after Cheilectomy

One Week Since Suture Removal

Today is the one-week anniversary of suture removal, so here's a comparative photo from one week ago. Lots of change in one week!

First Hike

Well, this won't impress the mountain goats among us, but on Kilauea, Hawaii I hiked intermittently at least one mile over crunchy compact and irregular dirt and lava gravel trails: through the Thurston Lava Tube and back and to numerous look-outs along the Chain of Craters Road.

I focused my attention on trying to apply weight to the ball of my foot in a normal stride and trying to avoid rolling the foot outward to avoid pain. I am not good at welcoming pain, however beneficial it may be. Although bruising on the top of my foot is nearly gone, that is still where I feel the pain of my sandals, hence the flapping straps to relieve pressure. The majority of pain is centered on the ball of my foot. Perhaps today's challenges will help it release and perform normally.

First Yoga: Day 15 after Cheilectomy

First Yoga 

Accomplished my usual 10 minute routine, with care to not put undue pressure on the top of my foot. 'Nuff said.