Monday, May 16, 2016

Picking Up Glass: PT 45 Days After Cheilectomy

Heavy Lifting

Try doing a couple sets of these... Pick up a squashed glass marble with your big toe (and a bit of help from its neighbor toe), and then drop the marble into a new pile. Move all of the marbles to the new pile. Now, do it all over again. And again. That's it: one of my three PT exercises for the time being. The other two exercises are more focused on stretching the big toe tendon underneath my foot. 

It isn't the joint or my incision line that are causing me trouble these days. It's that rascally, stiff tendon down under. I'll also be rolling the sole of my foot over a tennis ball and---yup, you guessed it--- if it doesn't cause some discomfort, it probably isn't helping much!