No Pain, No Gain in PT: 38 Days after Cheilectomy
No pain, no gain--- absolutely true with regard to this recovery process. Melissa, my PT, gripped my foot, wiggling and wrenching it until every muscle, ligament, and tendon screamed for mercy. I kept my mouth shut lest I be told again to put my big girl panties on. Truly, I saw red, visualizing a zealous chef snapping chicken bones with her bare hands. I spent long agonizing minutes with my great toe bent back while Melissa massaged and manipulated the stiff, shortened structures in the sole of my foot. Massage sounds so tender, but tender it was not. Like last time, I was shocked to survive the torture, stand, and walk better than before. I even tried standing on my toes for the first time. Pretty amazing! Here's a photo of my foot executing an impressive bend. Not without pain, but wow! Just Wow!
LOL Kathy, I read this to the staff during rounds on Thursday morning...It only encourages me, you know!